Eberhard Blum.org | Graphic Work | Number Works + Magic Squares

Dates are given as years or, from mid-2001 onward, as dd.mm.yyyy ; dimensions are given in centimeters, as height x width [x depth].

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Untitled, 25.11.2010

Construction paper, graphite, and black pencil on rag paper

100 x 70.6 cm

Untitled, 04.08.2010

Graphite on rag paper

55.3 x 38.3 cm

Untitled, 01.11.2004

Red and black pencil on rag paper

75.6 x 56.9 cm

Untitled, 06.03.2002

Black pencil on paper

72.8 x 73 cm

Untitled, [ magic square ], 1994

Graphite on rag paper

100 x 70 cm

Untitled, 1994

Graphite on paper

100 x 70.2 cm

Untitled, 1995

Grpahite on rag paper

105 x 75 cm

123 | 321 | 132 | 231 | 312 | 213, 26.11 2004

White pencil on black paper

49.8 x 70 cm

DIGITS OF PI [ Concept ], 2005

Black pencil, xerography, and squared paper on rag paper

49.9 x 70.4 cm

DIGITS OF PI ( 1–690 ), 05.02.2005

White pencil on black paperboard

70 x 100.2 cm

DIGITS OF PI ( 501–640 ), 11.02.2005

DIGITS OF PI ( 2.501–2.640 ), 04.03.2005

DIGITS OF PI ( 5.001–6.140 ), 08.03.2005

Black pencil on paperboard

3 sheets, each 70 x 100 cm

Untitled, 10.12.2005

Black pencil on rag paper

121 x 80.6 cm

LO-SHU I–VIII,  2005

Constellations of the magic square

Black pencil on paper

8 sheets, each 100 x 70 cm

Collection Kunstmuseum Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen Magdeburg

Untitled [ The eldest of odds, God's Number properly ... / Heaven's dearest number ... ], 01.01.2007

Colored pencil and construction paper on paper

41.9 x 29.6 cm

ZAHLEN [ Numbers ] 1–9, 20.03.2006

Colored pencil on paper

8 sheets + concept sheet,  each 29.3 x 41.9 cm

Collection Kunstmuseum Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen Magdeburg

Untitled, 23.04.2007

Colored pencil, black pencil, graphite, and construction paper on paper

29.5 x 41.8 cm

ERINNERUNG AN π [ Remembrance of π ], Ostern 2007

Colored pencil on paper

49.8 x 64.9 cm

Untitled, 04.11.2009

Graphite and colored pencil on paper

49.8 x 64.9 cm

Untitled, 13.–14.01.2003

Colored pencil on paper

3 sheets, 55.3 x 41.8 cm

Untitled, 18.04.2011

Graphite, colored pencil, and construction paper on black paperboard

69.7 x 50.1 cm

Untitled, 25.09.2011

Construction paper and colored pencil on black paperboard

69.7 x 50.1 cm